Release list

A list of all Mac OS software still actively developed that we know of. Keep in mind these are all hobby projects, so no release dates are given. Please help us in keeping the list fresh.

Name Description Status More info
SabinaI-net suiteEDWebsite
DeskPetsPet simulatorAlphanews
CarlIMAP e-mailAlphaVideo
SoundPirateP2P mp3 sharingAlphaWebsite
Angry Robots!Puzzle gamereleasedWebsite
MMMMPFLAC playerreleasedWebsite
WeatherBotLive weather datareleasedWebsite
LegacyAIChatGPT clientreleasedWebsite
HotStuffHotline clientreleasedForum
MD5classicChecksum generatorreleasedWebsite
WallopsIRC clientreleasedWebsite
AmendVersion controlreleasedWebsite
MacTorrentTorrent clientreleasedForum

Last updated: Thursday, 12.12.2024

Status explained:

ED (Early Development): Development started, but still at an early phase.

Alpha: It runs, but contains a lot of bugs and some features are still missing.

Beta: All features implemented, but bugs need to be hunted down.

Released: It's out in the open! Future updates may follow.